The Kuffi Font

At the begining , Kufi Font is actully an  arab font , it is very old ,he grew up in the early days of islam in the city of kufa in irak ,from here he named kufi . It  is one of theoldesarabic fonts . It wasadopted in the era of the Righteous Caliphs , on account of need muslims to wrote and record the koran . Italso represents a dry geometric decoration font that needs to be written exact precision . In addition , we should mention that the most perfect writer in islam is “Ali ibn Abi Taleb”

The Quranic font , this is our new name because it usually used in the verses of the quran . So , the principle of this font is inclined or diagonal little bit from the righ the ” lam and alf ” they are arabic letters like the “a and the l” but to understand , learn and practise arab font you should know exactly the Arabic alphabets, it is pointless too.

Kuffi Font began spontaneously, then it entered the development and then evolved and become soft and gouged.

Other side in this article , the most used of kufi font is firstly like i said later : to write the coran in particular . It used also to decorates and makes designs or layouts on the walls of mosques and palaces and others of ancient Islamic Architectures . The good thing that it have many muslims calligraphers who created this font and they are perfect especially : writing the quran ,in kuffa then deploy or prevail in all the irak .

what distinguishes kuffi font is there are many types ; we give a quick glance for each type  :

*Simple Kuffi : it is very simple cause of free of decoration .

*Geometric Kuffi : the letters of the words are defined in geometric shapes .

*Madhfour kuffi : is different from other with its decoration that bind the letters so that they overlap.

So, these types for kufi font have not fixed rules like the original kufi which writes the Koran , and the purpose of the calligraphers is to achieves format, symmetry and fill in blanks.

Finally, you should know that it have other types, if you want to discover  all the type of Kuffi Font in details we can visit our site to give more information . website uses cookies to collect statistics of visits and share them with our advertising and analysis partners to provide targeted advertising. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to its terms of use,read more