Top Arabic Font for flyers and logo

To find a beautiful arabic font, it ‘s not really easy because they are not too much and usually can’t get the font you like for free! To help webdesigner and logo maker, we have collected most awesome fonts in the web. Just check the preview and download the arabic calligraphy font you need.

The Kuffi Font

At the begining , Kufi Font is actully an  arab font , it is very old ,he grew up in the early days of islam in the city of kufa in irak ,from here he named kufi . It  is one of theoldesarabic fonts . It wasadopted in the era of the Righteous Caliphs , on account of need muslims to wrote and record the koran . Italso represents a dry geometric decoration font that needs to be written exact precision . In addition , we should mention that the most perfect writer in islam is “Ali ibn Abi Taleb” The Quranic font , this is our new name because it usually used in the verses of the quran . So , the principle of this font is inclined or diagonal little bit from the righ the ” lam and alf ” they are arabic letters like the “a and the l” but to understand , learn and practise arab font you should know exactly the Arabic alphabets, it...

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The Diwani Font

In the past ages the Arabs are famous for many differents fonts , it should say that no one creates fonts like the Arabians .they are so talented in this domain. One of the most excellent Arab Font is the Diwani font. First of all , it named Diwani because it related with the Diwan Sultan Al Othmani when the sultan Mohammed Fateh Al Othmani opened “Constantinople” since 857 Hegira. This is the begining of this wonderful font. Other side, they used the Diwani font in the goverment offices, they wrote the correspendence bowl, the Fermans, the official books sented bentween the Sultans and Kings , books for oppointment to public posts , and what is issued by the kings and princes of data and special orders and also wrote key names of books and ads. That’s why it named Diwani. In addition, this font is almost like “Rokaa Font”. Ibrahim Manif is the first one who makes the rules. He lived under the reign of Sultan Mohammed the...

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The Rokaa Font

Let’s start by defining rokaa font : it is one of the most popular arab font , it’s relatively recent , it have invented by the Othmans since 1863 miladi , it is easy to read, fast to write and beyond complexity . In addition, we never forget to mention that  Momtaz bek is the calligrapher who makes the rules of this font in the reign of sultan Abd al majid khan in 1863 miladi. Roquaa Font is different from the others fonts , it is often formed in tight limits except the koranic verses. It is one of the most common fonts  and it is written specialy in the most arabic countries . Second point, it is known by his short, spaces and straight letters , also his simple curves are mostly semi-straight and this font is marked by it is strong and expressive flexibility . Since old, they think that Rokaa Font is derived from NASSKH FONT and THOLOTH FONT  (which we will know soon in next articles) , and...

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سلسلة عالم الاطفال

  كيف استعد جيدا لقدوم مولودي الجديد كل المستلزمات السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته عزيزتي لا تجعلي هده الفترة تمر دون ان تكون قد اخدت نصيبا من النشاط و الاستمتاع و التشويق . معلوم ان اكثر ما يشغل بالك في هده المرحلة هي تجهيزات المولود الجديد لجهلك تماما بمثل هده الامور ان كنت حديثة العهد . لدلك اغلب الامهلت تكون شديدة الحرص على توفير كل المستلزمات دون نقصان اد تظل تجمع كل الحاجيات لكنه قد تقتني الكثير من الاشياء التي قد لا تحتاجها فيما بعد . الملابس من اهم المستلزمات التي ستنساقين اليها و تباشري بالشراء العشوائي هي الملابس فهي من اكثر الاغراض المفضلة لدى الامهات لتعدد التصاميم الجميلة و الالوان الهادئة و الاقمشة الناعمة . لهدا السبب حبيبتي ساقدم لك اهم الملابس الضرورية التي يجب عليك توفيرها . بداية يجب ان تكون كل الملابس قطنية مئة بالمئة لرطوبة بشرة الطفل و خوفا عليه من اصابته بالالتهابات او حساسيات . ثانيا عليك عزيزتي ان تعلمي موعد ميلاد طفلك لتتمكني من اقتناء الملابس فهده الاخيرة تختلف من فصل...

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تحميل خط النقش Download PakType Naqsh

تحميل خط النقش Download PakType Naqsh

إستعمل النقش قديما كلغه تواصل أما إليوم فهو فن جميل . أن كنت من هواة التصميم على الحاسوب أو الأجهزة اللوحية فيمكنك تحميل هذا الخط الرائع وإستعماله في إنجاز نقوش جميلة . Font PakType Naqsh Installation Instructions You may need to extract the .ttf files from a .zip archive file before installing the font. Windows (7/8/10) Right-click on the .ttf file and select install. MacOS X (10.3 or later) Double-click on the .ttf file and select...

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خط الديوان – Diwan Font for photoshop creation

خط الديوان – Diwan Font for photoshop creation

Diwan font is a great tool for experienced graphic designers, as well as those just starting out. It’s easy to learn, and with its unique features, it brings a modern touch to any project. It’s perfect for creating logos, flyers, posters, and more. It’s versatile enough to be used in a variety of projects, from digital to print. Diwan font gives users the ability to customize their projects to their own personal style. With its wide range of styles and weights, Diwan font is the perfect solution for any type of project. What’s more, it’s free to use, so anyone can get started right away. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional designer, Diwan font is an excellent choice for your next project. Diwan Bent Font is spreadly used in islamic calligraphy. It’s also uses in quran writing. It’s one of the oldest handwritten arabic fonts. Enjoy it on your photoshop creations for Free! خط الديواني هو أحد أشهر الخطوط العربية وأقدمها . كما إستعمل في كتابة القرأن قديما....

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