Hayat Arabic Calligraphy (life)

Hayat Arabic Calligraphy (life)

Hayat means life, a nice font widely used as female tattoo in Arbic world. Be unique, beautiful by tattooing it in your arm or your back.
“الحياة جميلة” – “Al-hayat jamila” – “Life is beautiful”

antal hayat in urdu stylish font

“حياتنا قصيرة فلا تضيعها على الأشياء العابرة” – “Hayatuna qasira, fala tadhi’ha ‘ala al-ashya’ al-‘abira” – “Our life is short, so don’t waste it on fleeting things.”
“الحياة لا تنتظر منا أن نكون كاملين لتبدأ، بل نبدأ ونستمر لنصبح كاملين” – “Al-hayat la tantaẓir minna ‘an nakuna kamileen litabda’, bal nabda’ wa nastamir linaṣbaḥ kamileen” – “Life doesn’t wait for us to be perfect to start, but we start and continue to become perfect.”

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